From time to time your child may be seen by one of our Physical Therapy service providers - please complete this consent to avoid delay in delivery of services if required. PLEASE REVIEW THIS CAREFULLY - if you have questions you can direct them to our office.
Consent for Physical Therapy Services and Consultation
I {whoIs} as the legal guardian/parent of {legalName} grant authorization for {legalName} (a minor) to be seen for Physical Therapy Services.
I understand that physical therapy services include assessment, intervention, consultation, and documentation of my child’s skills and progress and will include things such as running, jumping, and kicking a ball.
Assessment may include observation of my child, formal and informal testing, follow-up visits, and ongoing intervention. I understand I will be offered the opportunity to discuss the results of my child’s progress with the Physical Therapist.
I understand that information such as treatment plans, program goals, assessment results, and summary reports may be shared with other healthcare professionals who are part of my child’s team as well as other educational professionals at the school but will not be released to any other person or organization without my written permission except where required by law or professional obligation.
My signature below indicate(s) that I understand and agree to the information presented above and that I freely consent to have my child participate in the above-mentioned physical therapy services. I understand that consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn by me, in writing, at any time.